Thursday, 14 July 2016

Some software I wrote in Java

Download link of Zip file

The program is a sort of minimal word processor, and has been tested on Windows. Grid cell 'fusion' is done by showing another cell on top of the fused cells. The page, or the items it contains (grids, rows, columns, images, and text areas), can be altered by right-clicking on them. Items can be 'unsnapped' into windows, moved elsewhere, and 'snapped' into tabs or items; when an item's window is closed, it is snapped into or beside the item previously under the mouse; this somewhat resembles the windows in Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) like NetBeans.  If a saved page is reopened, its windows won't snap. There are other, smaller programs included in the Zip file with it; the 'stest' program shows minimal windows on screen. These programs are written in Java.

In the program, the Refresh button refreshes the combo box of tables. The Retrieve button runs an SQL query that returns a resultset, and the Make Change button runs a query that doesn't. The Insert button writes an Insert query, and the Create button writes a Create Table query. The Edit Rows button writes an Update query, using the column selected in the combo box near it in the Where clause. When a resultset is shown, it appears in a text box, and in a separate window containing a grid. When a cell in that grid loses focus, a change in its text is reflected in that text box, which the query-writing buttons use. Columns are assumed to be textual. The NG button shows the Nested Grids window (, and after it's clicked the 'csv' menu item adds content from that text box into a grid in the page (cells must not contain commas, quotes, escape characters or newline characters).

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